Discover the Resultta Program

Would you like to have more control over your production, with accurate numbers for decision making?

We offer a simple and objective digital platform, where in addition to obtaining all the information necessary for the growth of your business, you can also compare the performance of your farm with others that earn more from livestock.


Why hire the program?

Boost your ability to generate results!

Do you know if you are making or losing money before closing the crop?

Having the indicators in hand will bring a map of opportunity to your farm, come and learn about the Inttegra methodology.

Do you know exactly what the farm's indicators are in the quarter?

Average daily earnings, stock ua/ha, disbursement head/month, margin on sale indicators of high correlation with the farm's result, if you still don't follow it, you can start now.

Do you know exactly how much it costs to produce an arroba of ox? And weaning a calf? What's your margin?

It's time to know your numbers and make the best decisions.


Making a decision based on numbers helps the farm get better results!

92% of properties that implement the Resultta Program improve their results!

“It is the moment when we 'sharpen the tools', as my father used to say, so our service yields much more and generates good results. We gained a lot of agility in decisions and the team greatly improved its production capacity”.
Miguel Rech
Caruru Farm, Nova Monte Verde (MT)
"Resultta solved my biggest problem, the lack of financial control. Through the app I was also able to compare costs with other farms and have models to reach the top profitable ones. The application is very simple to use and the support staff is very available. After a few months using the platform it is visible through the reports made by Resultta, which costs need to be reduced. I feel that I now have a more solid base and more concrete numbers, not the famous “field experience”.
George Antonio de Souza Barros Kalili
Nova Primavera Farm, Santa Monica (PR)
“We were already doing good things, but we managed to improve even more. Today, we see great growth, a big shift in our company for the next five or ten years”.
Matheus Dolenz Tavares da Silva
Moquem Farms, Pimenta Bueno (RO)
“It was very impactful, because we were able to see exactly where we were, where we wanted to go and what points we needed to improve to achieve. Before, we had information, but we didn't know how to use it.”
Ana Paula Gouveia
São Camilo, Aparecida do Taboado (MS)
"We realize through analytical and managerial reports that we have a safe north and most importantly: when comparing the indicators, ranking your property, you realize if your path is correct or not, you have an idea"
Fred Marcondes
Marcondes César Agriculture, São José dos Campos (SP)
"In July 2020 we started with Inttegra and it has been very valid for me and very important for us to be able to visualize the disbursement part, everything we spend on a daily basis. You end up seeing the weight gain, every cost, income, expense, so for me it has been quite valid to have these numbers in my hands. Tracking the animal age group, tracking the animals' weighing, there's a lot that we can use to make decisions."
José Ronaldo Tomazoli
Ribeirão Bonito Farm and Laranjeira Farm, Reversa (PR)
"The consistency system that you do every month asking to check some data, it is very important. You end up organizing yourself much more to be able to launch everything correctly. And the reports that are presented make it much easier for us to know about the daily weight gain, arroba per hectare and most importantly, profitability, profitability per hectare year. This item and all these controls that we do and begin to obtain, compared to the best, give a very good view of the property."
João Bersi
Agriculture and Livestock Espirito Santo, Pedro Gomes (MT)
"Plataforma Resultta was a watershed in my livestock activity. I always had a lot of data, but I couldn't turn it into useful information. Today, in addition to being able to count on several metrics to measure my results and plan the next steps, I have in the platform the ability to compare my performance against different properties through Benchmarking Inttegra. I recommend it!"
Marco Aurélio
Santa Maria Farm, Tomasina (PR)
"You have to go through some phases: you have to diagnose, [...] you have to adjust this data and analyze. That's where benchmarking comes in: you compare, you see what's right and wrong and you make a plan, prepare that plan, execute and then you'll see what worked and what couldn't be corrected here and there. This way I think we can achieve our goals."
Túlio Ibanez Nunes
Rio Corrente Agropastoril, Campinas (SP)


Build your Plan

Check out our plans below.

Plataforma Resultta


An Intelligent, digital, online Platform for monthly releases of your farm's productive and financial data.

Indicators such as mortality (%), average global daily gain (kg/day), stocking (Ua/ha), production of arrobas (@/ha), harvest (%), carcass yield (%) among others.

Financial indicators such as head/month costing (R$/head), head/month disbursement (R$/head), disbursement per arroba produced (R$/@), average sales value (R$/@), result per arroba produced (R$/@), margin on sale (%), productive result (R$/ha), livestock operation result (R$/ha).

Query panel for real-time visualization of your indicators already compared with the reference of the farms that earn the most money from livestock. Monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and crop closing views.

A north for your farm. Productive and financial benchmarks to compare yourself to and see your strengths and weaknesses.

Maya our virtual assistant available for questions about the platform and indicators on your farm. Our team is specialized in agricultural metrics.

All your posted data can be exported in CSV and XLS at any time.

Possibility to issue reports in the consultation panel in PDF file.

Application on your cellphone to delegate and monitorate tasks, as well as see the news feed of what is happening on the farm.

Application on your cell phone to consult all your indicators and make the best decisions.

Access up to 1 farm on the basic plan.

Access up to 2 different in-app logins for your farm

Hire Plataforma Resultta
Precisa de ajuda para escolher qual o plano mais adequado ao seu negócio? Entre em contato com um de nossos consultores!

Giovanna Werneck

Maringá - PR
(44) 99106-2029

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Isabella de Paula

Maringá - PR
(44) 9182-7203

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Rodrigo Gennari

Sorocaba - SP
(15) 99828-3455

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Certified Consultants

All certified consultants are highly qualified and can serve you 100% online.

Have a consultant helping you to analyze your numbers.

Amanda Camila de Oliveira Poppi

Animal scientist, master in animal production - technical consultant, farm management - 6 years of operation.

Maringá - PR
(44) 98813-5038

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Camila Salazar Parra

Animal Scientist - technical consultant, farm management - 2 years of operation.

Maringá - PR
(14) 99117-5868

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Cauã Tosti Coelho

Zootechnician (UEM), management focused on farm profitability.

Maringá - PR
(44) 99931-0107

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Giovanna Werneck

Maringá - PR
(44) 99106-2029

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Hellen Braga

Veterinary (UTP/PR), specialization in cattle production and reproduction (UNIFAJ/SP) - technical consultant, data analyst - 6 years of activity in livestock.

Campo Largo - PR
(41) 9654-6540

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Isabella de Paula

Maringá - PR
(44) 9182-7203

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Jean Carlos Mezzalira

Guarapuava - PR
(42) 99151-9338

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Leonardo Lima Alves dos Santos

Umuarama - PR
(44) 99126-3222

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Marcus Vinícius Ribas d'Ávila Ferreira

Maringá - PR
(43) 99911-2876

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Rafael Barros Nogueira

Ponta Grossa - PR
(42) 9153-3596

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Ronaldo Boscolo

Maringá - PR
(44) 99938-0164

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Vicente De Paula Borba Junior Borba

Maringá - PR
(62) 99906-4456

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Ana Gabriela Da Rosa

Goiânia - GO
(55) 99981-0103

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Fabiola Lino

Zootechnician and CEO of Lino Consultoria Agropecuária. Specialist in financial and herd organization/control, livestock planning, results analysis and technical guidance to help with decision-making. She holds a PhD in Animal Science and has over 8 years' experience as a university lecturer. Her mission is to develop people and farms.

Trindade - GO
(62) 98145-8972

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Giancarlo Cambaúva

Rio Verde - GO
(64) 9966-0188

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Hiago Júlio Do Carmo

Goiânia - GO
(62) 99362-7643

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Lucas Henrique Brito Sales

Goiânia - GO
(16) 99773-5462

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Marcus Vinícius Pereira Assunção

Goiânia - GO
(69) 99905-5699

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Micheline Braga

Veterinary (UDESC), MBA in Project Management (FGV).

Goiânia - GO
(66) 99724-4941

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Pedro Antônio da Silva Leite

Goiânia - GO
(62) 99379-9266

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Anderson Lamag

Zootechnician with Master in Nutrition and Production of Ruminants

Sinop - MT
(66) 99604-6771

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Bruna Gomes de Macedo

Animal scientist - technical consultant, farm management - 5 years of operation.

Cuiabá - MT
(65) 99221-3206

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Cassio Rodrigo da Silva

Animal scientist - technical consultant, farm management - 6 years of operation.

Tangara da Serra - MT
(66) 99982-5707

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Gustavo Chama de Queiroz

Aparecida do Taboado - MT
(65) 99807-4763

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Humberto Duarte Ferraz de Camargo

Animal scientist - technical consultant, livestock management - 2 years of operation.

Cuiabá - MT
(14) 99615-5448

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João Vitor Tonietti

Agronomist - technical consultant, results analyst - 2 months of operation.

Cuiabá - MT
(65) 9279-4982

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Karoline Pereira de Oliveira

Animal scientist, agricultural technician - consultant, farm management - 2 years of operation.

Cuiabá - MT
(65) 99678-2185

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Maurício Nobuyuki Miyashita Piona

Veterinarian, farm technical consultant - 19 years of operation.

Cuiabá - MT
(65) 99609-3382

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Raniel Corte

Veterinarian, technical consultant in livestock - 8 years of operation.

Cuiabá - MT
(65) 99971-8958

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Anilton De Rezende Lopes

Eunápolis - BA
(73) 9152-5000

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Ingrid Moreira

Guanambi - BA
(77) 99993-8554

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Luiz Sande

Lauro de Freitas - BA
(71) 98340-8228

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Antonio Vinicius Iank Bueno

Ji-Paraná - RO
(69) 9323-0519

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Ilda de Souza Santos

Ji-Paraná - RO
(69) 9928-6517

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Bráulio Cesar de Carvalho Dornelas

Imperatriz - MA
(35) 99750-7510

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Milton Alves Cavalcanti Neto

Porto Franco - MA
(99) 99179-5825

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Cesar de Almeida Franzon

Ribeirão Preto - SP
(16) 99630-1209

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Diogo Poggio Escoqui

Araçatuba - SP
(67) 99310-4606

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Fernando César Moretti

Ribeirão Preto - SP
(16) 99206-5586

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Gabriel Sia

Agronomist (ESALQ-USP) - Technical consultant in the areas of production, planning and management of agricultural production systems.

Piracicaba - SP
(19) 99317-5969

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Julia André Carriel

Zootechnician (UNESP) - Consultant Analyst in livestock metrics.

Piracicaba - SP
(91) 99683-0640

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Murilo Marchesi Salin

São José Do Rio Preto - SP
(17) 98200-5537

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Rodrigo Gennari

Sorocaba - SP
(15) 99828-3455

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Rubens José Paulossi Junior

Agricultural Engineer and Agribusiness Technologist, Postgraduate in: Production and Nutrition of Ruminants, Crop-Livestock-Forest Integration, Intensive Beef Cattle Production, Confinement Management. Working in Brazil and Paraguay for 15 years, providing technical, managerial and analytical assistance in agricultural metrics. Technician accredited in the BIFEQUALI program at Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste with a focus on team development and training.

Araçoiaba da Serra - SP
(15) 99104-4401

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Cylon Magagnin Filho

Campo Grande - MS
(66) 9996-2145

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Dorival Falchi Filho

Campo Grande - MS
(67) 99680-4008

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Fabrício José Parisi da Fonseca

Miranda - MS
(67) 9905-2023

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Homero José Fligliolini

Campo Grande - MS
(67) 8411-2232

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Júlia Regina de Almeida Reis

Coxim - MS
(67) 99606-6403

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Luis Antonio Ibañez

Campo Grande - MS
(59) 16770-3192

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Rafael Nogueira Cavalcanti

Campo Grande - MS
(67) 3025-2555

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Ramon Dall'agnol

Campo Grande - MS
(49) 99141-5325

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Reinhard Knoch

Campo Grande - MS
(67) 99981-6820

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Rodrigo Patussi

Campo Grande - MS
(67) 99971-7617

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Wildiney Soares Ferreira

Veterinarian. Technical consultant in cattle breeding, technical consultant in economic management of rural properties.

Campo Grande - MS
(67) 99255-7836

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Émille Karoline Santiago Cruz

Campo Grande - MS
(79) 9975-0608

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Felipe Massaharo Teramoto Krieck


Boca do Acre - AM
(11) 98180-2835

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Juan Diego Paez Sierra

Medellin - CO
(31) 1208-3574

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Ramiro Miranda Leão

Guaíba - RS
(51) 99833-3463

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Samuel Aguiar Melo

Paragominas - PA
(91) 9296-1060

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Conheça nossos selos



Certified consultants in the seal program of the Inttegra Institute specialized in indicator analysis and farm management. They are professionals trained to analyze the farm through numbers and identify and enhance the business opportunity.



I want to be certified



Certified consultants from Inttegra Institute specializing in the strategic vision of your business. The Alfa level consultants are specialized in tracing the strategic planning of your business based on the methodology of Inttegra Institute.


I want to be certified



The highest level consultants in Inttegra's seal program.  In addition to being trained to look at the farm through the numbers and draw a strategic plan for it, the Delta level consultants are experts in team management within the agricultural activity, leading the farm to build and execute the planning with a happy team that beats the goals.


I want to be certified


Frequently asked questions

If you hire an Inttegra certified consultant specializing in agricultural metrics to monitor and help in the evolution of your farm, you will have a mentor assisting you exclusively.

If you choose not to have an Inttegra certified consultant, you will have access to 100% online support, consultants passionate about numbers and management will be helping you with whatever you need regarding agricultural metrics.

You can, if you need to cancel your plan, just contact us requesting cancellation 60 days in advance.

Yes, internet access is required for posting.

Yes, it is necessary to complete the online training to start the launches.

The releases are monthly, and can be weekly or even daily. Depends on the farm routine.

The Inttegra method follows the quarterly weighing, if this is not possible, at least the weighing in the vaccines.

Yes, good rating will result in a detailed financial profile for analysis

Yes, if the financials are divided and if you have information separate from the properties, it is possible to follow more than one farm through the Results Management Platform.

In the query panel menu you can see the data released monthly for monitoring and you can consult your quarterly and half-yearly indicators already compared with Inttegra benchmarking.

Yes, it is possible to export in Excel in the export menu.


Talk to us!

We hope we have clearly explained what we have to offer, if you have any questions, please contact us. We will be delighted to serve you.

Avenida Mandacaru, 2150 - Sala 8 - Parque das Laranjeiras
CEP 87083-240 - Maringá, Paraná

Monday to Friday - 9 am to 5 pm (Brasilia time)